Cross-departmental collaboration

Share validations and controls across departments in a single dashboard. With ASI, you have a "single pane of glass" for the entire organization to have visibility into the quality of your financial data.
© Aggregate Singularity, Inc.

All-In-One of a Kind

Say goodbye to duplicated, disparate controls that exist throughout the corporate network.

With ASI, anyone in the organization can have confidence in seconds that the data they use for reporting or processing has been validated, even if the validation was done by a different department.

Break out of your cells

In accounting, it is not uncommon for 50% or more time in a working day to be spent on validating data, much of which has already been validated by other groups. With ASI, eliminate that wasted time by automating and centralizing those common controls, freeing your team to elevate themselves and the organization.

Create multiple, shared controls dashboards
Quickly identify where data sets have already been validated
Create common, curated, validated data sets for reporting
Provide a common platform for Continuous Improvement
Communicate across departments via Assignments
Send ASI web links via email to provide details for specific issues

Control freaks, unite

See how ASI's centralized dashboards can give your entire organization peace of mind (and help them sleep at night) by providing common, centralized evidence of the health of your financial information.

Request a demo

Case Studies

Tax Modernization at WEC Energy Group

“I can now tell you everything that’s going on in every company, at any point in time. I have truly absolute knowledge of my data. Especially now that more and more people are working remotely, I can now sleep comfortably knowing everything continues to be sane and as designed.”

WEC Energy Group
Electricity and Natural Gas Utility
Several ASI employees chat while seated together at a conference table.

Visualize. Validate. Automate. Exhale.

Tell us your team’s unique challenges, and we’ll create a custom demo for you to see ASI in action.

We’ll handle the cross-checks